Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday 8am – 9pm

Phone: (310) 495 – 7015

Address: 547 Rainbow Road,
Los Angeles, CA 90069


Our Reviews

Welcome to our Testimonials page, where we showcase the experiences and stories of students who have embarked on their aviation journey with Global Flight Training Solutions. Here, you’ll find firsthand accounts detailing the benefits of training in Florida, encounters with diverse flying conditions, and the personal growth each student experienced. These testimonials offer a glimpse into the real-world challenges and triumphs of aspiring pilots, highlighting how our program helps them develop into confident and skilled professionals. Whether it’s navigating busy airspace, mastering radio communications, or making critical in-flight decisions, these stories reflect the comprehensive and enriching training environment at GFTS. Dive into these personal narratives to discover the true impact of our training program

Power of Student Feedback

Our Students Speaking

Explore the genuine experiences and accomplishments of our students at Global Flight Training Solutions. This section features a collection of reviews and testimonials that reflect the journey of aspiring pilots who have trained with us

General Reviews

In this section, we present a collection of student reviews, providing an honest glimpse into the experiences at Global Flight Training Solutions. These testimonials reflect the diverse aspects of our program, from the quality of instruction to the unique flying opportunities in Florida’s skies. 

Notable Experiences

In this section, our students reflect on the significant advancements they’ve made during their training with us. Here, they discuss how they’ve overcome challenges and developed crucial piloting skills. Their narratives offer a window into how our training environment fosters not only technical proficiency but also critical decision making.

Improvement in skills

In this section, students recount their journey of growth at Global Flight Training Solutions. They share experiences of mastering key aspects of aviation, such as precise flight planning, sophisticated navigation techniques, and adept communication. These stories are testaments to the effectiveness of our training approach in nurturing the comprehensive skill set required for aviation excellence

General Reviews

Read below as our students share their experiences!

Great team of instructors & staff in GFTS and the aircraft were available all day every day. The FAA verification & check-out process was made very simple. The manner in which the aircraft were maintained and refueled after each flight seemed very professional and organized.
Every aircraft is treated like an airline whether you’re a C172 or B737. You can fly into a busy airport with airline traffic, experience approach control, change over to tower, land and receive taxi instructions on a ground control frequency & be marshalled to a parking tie down and at the end of it all no one is looking for you to pay a landing fee. Offers a completely different flying experience than at home in Ireland.
Communicating on busy approach frequencies with Fort Myers, Miami Centre, Tampa, Orlando etc with lots of comms required. Good experience handling ATC instructions for traffic weather and airspace avoidance, frequency changes, altimeters settings, squawk codes, ATIS etc. This was a level of activity that I hadn’t experienced in Ireland where communications were mostly limited to receiving a QNH in Dublin and a landing clearance in Weston.
ATC experience was very enjoyable and provided a good challenge – flying in and around very busy Class B, C, D airspace & into busy airports with jet traffic & multiple runways
Consistent flying everyday due to VFR weather and availability of aircraft – not achievable in Ireland.

Improvement In skills

Read below as our students share their experiences!

Handling skills & aircraft familiarity – much improved landings, coordinated and steep turns etc. Also became much more efficient with use of checklists, preflight, operating different aircraft (although similar each have their own quirks that was important to be aware of – for example N1475V has smaller tanks, airspeed in MPH)
Decision making: good practice for decisions related to preflight and inflight review of weather, consideration of new alternates + potential scenarios as progress is made en-route. Thinking of a plan, where to go if something unexpected happens. Making decisions to stop for fuel or deciding to request a new instruction from ATC.
Radio communications – much improved in dealings with busy ATC. Renewed focus on situational awareness in busy airspace – for example emphasis on making accurate and concise radio calls in busy uncontrolled pattern at Venice or with busy controller on approach into Naples.
Managing workload – in the beginning it felt like there was a bit to do in busy airspace. This was manageable by making an effort to think ahead of the airplane and organize as much as possible in advance – ie where will I be in one minute, five minutes, ten minutes, is my next radio frequency dialed in, listen to current ATIS on com2, what is my next radio call going to be?, what FBO am I taxiing to and do I have a taxi diagram? Felt this was much improved by the end of the program.
Flight planning – consideration of route, airspace, weather, fuel etc the previous day and en- route to airport. Consider which aircraft will be flown – ie shorter range on N1475V to the other fuel injected aircraft

Notable Experiences​

Read below as our students share their experiences!

Naples touch & go – busy day in Naples with lots of jet traffic. Approach assigned departure clearance instructions for after touch & go, then handed me over to tower controller. Tower controller assigned new instructions as soon as I touched down. Basic stuff again but not something you would experience hour building in Ireland.
End of long cross country flight - stopped in Sebring before final leg to Immokalee and was taking account of my current fuel. In normal circumstances I would have been comfortable with the amount of fuel remaining but winds were gusting across the runway in Immokalee at +15kts. Decided to uplift more fuel in case a few go-arounds and/or a diversion to alternate would be required.
Another occasion transiting Fort Lauderdale north to south at 2000ft. ATC requested I remain clear of the C ahead by either flying along the beach below 500ft or climbing above 4000ft. This time I said I was unable to do either due to the low altitude along the beach and low cloud base for the climb and instead requested to transit overhead.
Nav flight from KIMM-KPGD-KOBE. On final leg to KOBE cloud base was 1500 after departing Punta Gorda and was lowering to 1200ft in some locations en-route which was uncomfortable. When I checked the METAR for KOBE it had changed to BKN012 so I decided to instead go to LaBelle where the cloud base was more comfortable and I could review the weather on the ground.
Short final on touch & go into Punta Gorda when the tower cleared an Airbus for take-off just ahead of me. Was conscious of wake turbulence and making sure to take off again before the rotation point of the Airbus. Good thing to experience that I was not likely to see at home.
Bad weather in Immokalee. Rain showers at end of runway 09 on line-up. Could have opted for tailwind take off to avoid but weather was closing in at other airports also and that limited options for coming home later.
Departing Venice flying south along beach west of KRSW. ATC instructed me to fly a westerly heading out to sea to avoid traffic departing RSW. I accepted even though I would soon be at an uncomfortable distance from the beach. Once I began to approach max glide range to the beach I called back requesting a new heading back to the beach. In hindsight I shouldn’t have accepted an instruction that made me uncomfortable and this was a good lesson not to blindly accept ATC instructions.

Our happy customers

Share Your Experience And Leave Us A Review

Opening Hours:
8am – 6pm Monday to Saturday

Sunday closed

Phone: +1 239 651 7770

International Contact Number: +353 1 2822768


Address: 165 Airpark Blvd, Immokalee, FL 34142, United States

A Visual Flight Through The Experience ​

Step into our world where each image showcases the meticulous care, advanced facilities, and unwavering commitment to excellence we bring to aircraft storage